Mock Trial
Our mock trials yield important information to help you understand what jurors will think about your case at trial.
Focus Groups
We provide live and online focus groups nationwide, designed to elicit information critical to your case.
Witness Communication Training
Improving the effectiveness of your witness for both deposition and trial testimony.
Strategic Pre-Trial Research equips you with tools for improved outcomes.
Theme Development
Effectively communicating the facts involves an understanding of who your listener is, and a targeted message.
Community Attitude Surveys
Community attitude surveys that identify the political, educational, and psychological pursuits of jurors.
Mock Voir Dire
Developing a succinct presentation tailored for your case.
Voir Dire Development
Developing a more effective voir dire presentation for each individual case and venue.
Opening Statement and Closing Argument Presentation
Drafting and presentation design for both opening statements and closing arguments.
Juror Questionnaires and Selection
Identify better quality jurior candidates by questioning and understanding verbal and non-verbal responses.
Trial research provides you with options and real-time feedback while you're at trial.
Trial Feedback
Helping your with last-minute witness preparation, drafting cross examination questions and ensuring graphics are appropriate.
Gallery/Shadow Jury
We conduct shadow juries to evaluate the effectivness of your witness testimonies.
Media Coaching
Helping you manage your case within the court of public opinion outside of the courtroom.
CLE Presentations
We can custom design a presentation to answer questions that are facing a corporations and/or groups.
Mock Appellate Review
We conduct mock appellate reviews nationwide.
Juror Questionnaires and Selection
Recruiting and creating interactive discussions and problem-solving strategies that assist in the decision-making process.
Sharpen your approach by identifying valuable feedback after trial.
Mock Mediations
A decision-making strategy that helps to problem-solf issues in your case.
Thematic Day in the Life Videos
a comprehensive video story for your client to be utilized in either trial or settlement negotiations.
Post-trial Interviews
Post-trial interviews can help you know the cognitive roadmap jurors used in reviewing the facts and witnesses in your case.

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Trial Consulting Enterprises.

Learn more about how Trial Consulting Enterprises can help your next case – providing tangible insight and strategy.
Trial and Jury Consulant
Years of experience assisting law firms with improving their end results.
Satisfied clients across DFW and beyond.
Successful strategies for improved research, preparation and trial success.
Jurors interviewed regarding their thematic feedback on important issues involved in litigation.
Here's what Clients are saying about TCE:
"We used Mary Griffitts of Trial Consulting Enterprises and she was fantastic... First class all the way."
Littler lawyer
"I was a better advocate for my client because of your work during our Focus Group and jury selection..."
Las Vegas lawyer
"Mary, I wanted to thank you again for the great job on the part of you and your entire team. I was very impressed with how smoothly, professionally and thoughtfully the entire day went."
New Jersey Lawyer
"Thanks again for all your help this weekend. Everything went so smoothly and your staff was so great. We really appreciate everything. The client and insurer were also very pleased."
Amarillo Lawyer
"Mary, the way you conducted your focus group discussion is amazing. We got so much information. We look forward to working with you again."
Quilling Selander
"In 2002, we were representing Lufkin Industries, Inc. in a patent infringement case, which was transferred to Wichita Falls from Dallas just before trial. After trying to get a local counsel, and finding out that most of Wichita Falls firms did work for the Plaintiff, I decided to hire a jury consultant. Mary Griffitts was the answer. She immediately engrossed herself in the case in order to validate and where necessary modify our theme points, and attended the entire trial. She not only helped with picking the jury, but spent every day helping to prepare our witnesses so that they would make the best possible presentation to the jury, and they did. Her consultation with me as the lead trial lawyer came not only every evening, but during every break. Her assistance and work with our entire trial team was extraordinary. She's the best!"
Akin Gump (Lester Hewitt, Esq.)
"You need Mary on your team, not working against you."
Gardere Wynne (Curt Frisbie, Esq.)
"Mary Griffitts and her team deliver. It is just that simple. In over 20 years of using experts and consultants on a nearly weekly basis, Mary is at the head of the class. For example, her insight and input not only refocused the trial team, she got the client's full attention. Her professionalism, intellect, and good nature makes her a pleasure to work with. Certainly these are factors, but the simple fact remains that her efforts saved my client millions of dollars, and in the end that is the touchstone."
Broad Cassell (Mark Raymond, Esq.)
"Mary, your insights were amazing. I’m looking forward to working with you on the next big case."
Gardere Wynne (Rob Hoffman, Esq.)
"Mary's work on a complex aviation matter was instrumental in the development of our client's case. Her analysis was on the mark and offered great insight of the issues."
Slack & Davis (Michael Slack, Esq.)
"Invaluable, wonderful, helpful, focusing, thoughtful, precise...what else can one say about the services received from Mary Griffitts and Trial Consulting Enterprises. She and her staff were on target on their comments, suggestions and ideas. They never meddled, they only raised issues - just what a trial team needs. Use them again? I could not be without them again!"
Legal Services P.C. (Robert M. Greenberg, Esq.)
"Your participation at the NITA program changed my mind. I restructured the entire program to include YOU in it because I was so impressed (and your ratings from the law students were wonderful; likewise their comments). I picked you because a)I like you as a person, b) I like your approach, c) I trust you to teach at a level that would not insult them, and d) you are very very good at what you do! I also like the "star" patina you convey and the charisma you wear so well."
Middleberg, Riddle & Gianna (Dominic J. Gianna, Esq.)<br />Re: Teaching at Loyola and LSU Law School programs:
"As in many cases, the simple fact that a corporate executive is sued causes a great deal of frustration and outright anger. Mary and her team worked closely with the executive to help him to be calm and collected for his deposition testimony. As the case approached trial, Mary's assistance allowed him to communicate effectively and with a great deal of persuasion. Her witness communication training was excellent."
Hermes Sargent Bates (Kristen B. Blanford, Esq.)
"Over the past 30 plus years of product liability trial practice, I have worked with several notable trial consultants. Mary Griffitts and Trial Consulting Enterprises now tops that list. She has conducted focus group jury projects for my clients and me and has been right on with focusing our defense theme and identifying favorable and unfavorable juror profiles. She has continued to work with me from opening statement through closing argument and has become my most valued critic in helping me maintain the case theme throughout trial. One of the more valuable and innovative activities that she helped organize and conduct was a pretrial meeting with key experts and significant company witness to assure that all were attuned to the case theme and storyline. Thanks, Mary! You are the best!"
Hinkle Elhour (Ken Lang, Esq.)
"You were able to shape my opening/closings/and cross such that the story was effectively communicated to the jury. I am just in awe at your talent and instinct and so very grateful for your help."
Baron & Budd (Densye Clancy, Esq.)
"To be honest, I was skeptical at first because in the past I have not been overwhelmed by the work of jury consultants. Your approach was vastly different from what I had seen before and therefore the results were demonstrably more useful. You made an instant connection with the jurors and you were able to use that for the balance of the day to ensure a constructive dialog over what I thought would be boring and tedious issues. You found a way to frame the issues in a way that made it understandable for the jurors and useful for the lawyers. I would not hesitate for a moment to use you again or recommend you to other clients and lawyers."
Gardere Wynne (Joe Harrison, Esq.)
"Talk about a reality check! Mary’s team provided constructive criticism that allowed us to have greater insight into the pitfalls of our case. Her suggestions gave us a roadmap of what points to change, what evidence to emphasize and most important what kind of juror would be most receptive to our case. Mary’s advice was invaluable and I could not have been more pleased. I will use her again and recommend her to other lawyers without hesitation."
Mitchell Goff (Carmen Mitchell, Esq.)
"Mary helped our trial team put together a solid theme for our Railroad Crossing / Train fatality case. Mary assembled a Focus Group that greatly assisted us in narrowing down the core issues of our case. The Focus Group was a true success and thoroughly tested our case, giving us an accurate idea as to the strengths and weaknesses of our case. She also assisted in formulating a game plan for trial, including the order in which to call our witnesses, and how to specifically address the weaknesses of our case to minimize any negative impact on the jurors. Mary provided our firm with an environment conducive to learning and enjoying the experience. Her team was very professional and provided invaluable insight to our case. I look forward to working with Mary again in the future."
Roger E. Bishara, Esq.
"I wanted to write and express my appreciation and the appreciation of my client for your efforts in helping us with trial preparation in a major wrongful death case in that was pending in United States District Court in St. Paul Minnesota. As a direct result of your assistance with a mock trial we were able to identify very clearly the strengths and weaknesses of our case. I was particularly impressed with how you were able to identify prospective jurors that reflected accurately the cross section of the community from which our panel would be selected. The post trial interview process was especially informative and revealing. With the information that we obtained we were able to negotiate a settlement from a position of strength that particularly pleased our client. Rest assured that we will continue to call on you in the future to provide assistance with our trial preparation strategies"
Moffett, Vitu, Lascoe and Packus (Steve Moffett, Esq.)
"Thanks again for preparing and hosting an excellent focus group. Having now done it twice, it is a superb way prepare the case, well ahead of the real thing, and test out theories. In this case, your team put together a very representative Philadelphia jury which I was very glad to see. The group discussion at the end of the day provided extremely valuable and insightful feedback."
Wiedner & McAluiffe, LTD. (Jim Ozog, Esq.)
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