Trial Research

1. Voir Dire Development
How can you find the right balance between learning more about the potential juror and advancing your arguments?
2. Opening Statement and Closing Argument Presentation
Are you using the first few moments during an opening statement effectively?
Have your opening and closing become monologues instead of dialogues with the jurors?
TCE assists the trial team in both the drafting and presentation style for both opening statements and closing arguments.
3. Juror Questionnaires and Selection
How can you obtain more information from the jury panel that will decide your case?
What types of personalities will be more receptive to the facts of your case?
The answers to both of these questions can be found through the effective use of Jury Questionnaires. Trial research shows that potential jurors are more open and forthcoming with information when answering written questionnaires than they are when answering questions by either a judge or an attorney. We specifically design Jury Questionnaires that will produce the best information about your panel.
4. Trial Feedback
Are case themes being presented clearly for the jurors?
Is there an additional question that needs to be answered for the jurors during cross-examination?
TCE will attend trial and assist with last minute witness preparation, drafting cross examination questions and ensure that final adjustments to graphics and exhibits have been made.
5. Gallery/Shadow Jury
Your trial team understands the issues, but does the jury?
How were your witnesses perceived based on their actual trial testimony?
6. Media Coaching
Is your case being tried in the court of public opinion?
What are jurors learning about your case outside of the courtroom?